Excellent article -- concise and lucid.

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My small town is starting to resemble Obesity Central: rotundity and the unquestioning and opportunistic belief that fat is fit; fattism is body shaming; fat is curvy and alluring and 2 years of officially approved inertia have taken their toll.

Very very large locals are encased in stretchy stuff, which accommodates the expanding girths.

Many of the largest are in the younger age groups: 20s-40s.

So much for public health, which has been overturned and utterly distorted in the Through the Looking Glass COVID containment lunacy.

Trouble ahead.

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I used to be a police officer so ... naturally sceptical of what I'm being told. I researched the vaccines and decided that would be a big No from me. I found numerous articles and posts from real Drs about Vit D Vit C and Zinc (also Quercitin but I left that one out). I have a very old Mum and a sister with secondary breast cancer. I put us all on a regimen of the above and not so much as a sniffle from anyone throughout this horror show. No isolating. No social distancing. Vegetarian diet and exercise. I will never believe the govt or NHS again. And I can't help but feel a slight disdain for the people who I passed this information on to who looked at me like I was mad/stupid/a conspiracy theorist.

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Amazing article. Thank you. What is crazy to me is that saying Covid (or the jab) disproportionately hurts those with higher body fat ratios is, in and of itself, something I can not speak about without risking retaliation. I have long been a champion of body positivity, loving yourself no matter your size. I would chime that so long as a person is somewhat active (and this can mean that they simply walk to and from work), ate some foods which supported health (I’m not talking a vegan diet or similar, just making sure you get some veg in and don’t binge often) then they were “size healthy”. I would explain that BMI was bs based on illogical standards and that the idea of skinny = healthy was based in body neurosis stoked by the “beauty” industry. I am not some size scrutinizing bully! In fact I would say I am the opposite of this…. And yet the mere mention that Covid hit those with high body fat ratios harder to woke friends and they would throw me under the bus! I was attacked and they were “offended”. It’s complete illogical especially when you consider what anyone is allowed to say about the unvaccinated. It is completely inconsistent to discriminate against the unvaccinated for “putting pressure on the health care system” while ignoring that those with high body fat are doing the same. But to say so would have a person cancelled! I certainly do not believe that the unvaccinated should be segregated and I certainly don’t believe the overweight should be segregated but I sure would like to be able to have a discussion about the obvious parallels and inconsistencies…. But I can not because if I do I am a horrible sizest human who is dangerous to society DESPITE my past of promoting body positivity…. The world has gone mad hatter… 100%.

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