I was optimistic when all the adverse effects started becoming public knowledge. But over the months I am losing every hope. MSM are totally ignoring this. (in EVERY single country globally). People who are vax injured are not only ignored by doctors etc, but even called anxious/liars/attentions seekers etc. I cannot for the life of me fathom how every single government is behaving exactly the same. It now is blatantly clear there is a plan and that this has been in the works for quite some time. I just feel sad and very worried. The WHO and the WEF are forging ahead with all their nasty plans and secret meetings and no-one seems able to stop this madness. Sorry , maybe I just have the January blues - but I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel today. ☹

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I think you are right. The abandonment of 2019 WHO pandemic guidelines against lockdowns, the PCR scam, the MSM omertà on vaccine injury,… i wouldn’t have thought international uniformity and concerted action on this scale and of this intensity was possible. And we’re hearing nothing about the attack on food production. The maniacs are bent on de-population by 90%.

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Chin up Puffin. Looking grim as ever here, as well as in Italy where my people have been dropping like flies the past few months.

I look ahead to escaping familial Covidiots and living a more free life elsewhere.

Not Canada. Not Italy.

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Unfortunately Ynona I live in Italy 😭 It's crap. I read Professor Mark Crispin Miller's weekly substack. He does a report on sudden deaths for each country. He groups together countries, but has to do a separate one for Italy because there are TOO MANY ! It's horrendous.

Canada also has a separate one. ☹

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I know Puffin. It's bad. 2 close family deaths in as many months, and all my multiply jabbed relatives are in denial. Clueless. 😢

Nothing I can do. ("Shhhh.)

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Thank you for sharing Adrian’s story. In the United States we are having the same problems: the media won’t publish our stories, the injured are accused of spreading misinformation, and our majority has forgotten what it is to be human-to have compassion. Team Humanity is trying to change that by self-publishing our stories. I’d like to introduce you to Suzanna. https://teamhumanity.substack.com/p/neighbors-helping-neighbors

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The Scottish excess death rate is horrendous !


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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

MARK -Good morning. I don't know another way to contact you - please could you read James Roguski's plea here?

He desperately needs all the alternative media help he can to spread the word about what the W H O are up to.

Link to his substack : https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/alternative-media

I hope you can join all the others who are pledging to help. Thank you 🙏

ps: James has given permission for anyone to contact him here:

James.Roguski@gmail.com 310-619-3055 (phone, text, Signal, WhatsApp, Telegram)

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where is the Edinburgh meeting ?

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Bourla - the Greek Vet -😡😡😡😡😡😡

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