Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022Liked by News Uncut

Actually, I have to dispute your heading. Has Covid madness ever quite gone away. The hospitals where I live are still hanging onto their masks and, when you go in, you are virtually assaulted at the entrance if you refuse to wear one - all restrictions were lifted on 27 May but now the individual health trusts are putting their own rules in place instead!!!

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Masks together with associated mass child abuse, extreme anxiety, brain damage in young children, suicide in adolescents and all the well understood mental health consequences. Let's hear it for Fearporn.

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Here we go again, a “virus” that kills in the main 80+ yrs old will once again be used as the logic behind destroying what little is left of a once vibrant economy - someone at some point is going to ask the key question - how many people actually died from Covid and not from an existing health issue coupled with exposure to Covid - the NHS was told to write on all death certificates if the patient had been tested that the cause of death was Covid - not the existing health issue, ditto Doctors did the same - result, no one died of heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia etc; but 1,000’s from Covid - forget the promise that the untested clinically vaccines would be the answer, forget herd immunity - go for another lockdown to protect the people from themselves.

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I live in Thailand. Four days ago the government cancelled its mask mandate, which had been enforced with heavy fines for non-compliance, even while exercising outdoors. For the last two days I have been counting numbers on my evening walk through the seaside town where I live. Believe it or not, four out of five people I've seen (including people riding bicycles and motorbikes as well as pedestrians) are still wearing face nappies. Although crash helmets are compulsory on scooters, most of the masked-up motorcyclists (as usual) aren't wearing them. Apparently they trust Buddha to save them from dying of a fractured skull but not from a virus that is killing almost nobody here. That two-year psyop sure has worked!

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