This a must be a new low even for the BBC. I can’t get over just how unbelievably cruel this treatment of vaccine injury victims is. No amount of ignoring them is going to make these people disappear and if the BBC are scared of encouraging vaccine hesitancy then they don’t need to worry as the dangers and ineffectiveness of this vaccine are doing that all by themselves.

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My husband picked up a customer last week from the local liberal club. He was there when the chairman perfectly healthy was talking to the barman about the pipes for the beer next second he was dead on the floor. This is not normal by any means however they spin it. The grim reaper is coming for vaccinated people I’m sorry to say. People thought they’d have side effects straight away, which some did but it’s affecting people at any time and the “supposed crooked” trials could not show long term side effects or death.

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The BBC acted to get the Facebook support group cancelled at the same time as it decided to blank the emergent vaccine scandal from Israel. All through 2021, no adverse-events reporting system was in place in Israel, at a time when the absence of reported side-effects and injuries there was cited by the FDA and others as evidence of safety and effectiveness. When an effort was at last made to check, vast numbers of heart inflammations, menses disruptions, etc, even more than Pfizer found on the original trials and tried to conceal, were found and reported to the Israeli MoH in early June. Yet he published a misleading report, and still gave approval to rolling the jab out to babies.

Nothing about this from the BBC.

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This is utterly disgraceful conduct by the BBC and its staff. SHAME.

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BBC are a disgrace and have been for a very very long time ,they love to cover up the truth. The truth of these people will come out and I 🙏 very soon

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There are groups for the vaccine-injured on Gab--and Gab has put it all on the line for freedom of speech..

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The BBC are a vile, despicable organisation. So many cover ups. Savile and Bashir to name two.

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