It’s maddening knowing all these harms and yet msm/governments just keep pushing for more deaths by fake vaccine. How can any human being have absolutely no care for human life.

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Dr Ryan Cole is on record as saying that the patent to the sarscov2 spike protein is owned by the US National Institutes of Health, and licensed by them to the vaccine manufacturers. Just take that statement in, if you can. You cannot patent a naturally occurring substance, it has to be man made.

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Mark, "Disgraceful" is wayyyy too generous! It is CRIMINAL.! The MSM are absolutely culpable (morally and criminally) in the unnecessary deaths (and adverse effects) due to MSM's lead in promoting and supporting mRNA 'vaccines' (Injections) coercion and FORCED take up, on the basis of RELATIVE Efficacy and Risk Reduction, NOT ABSOLUTE Efficacy and Risk Reduction, for what were VERY LOW Infection Fatality Rates (IFR) for all Under 70 years old (See Prof John Ioannidis, Stanford), AND, that's without allowing for other Early Treatment Options to further reduce IFR risk.

AND.... the MSM are also responsible for the Adverse Effects impacting so many people who have taken the mRNA injections, as the MSM have NOT published the Truth and the facts....

AND ...... MSM is also responsible and culpable for the proactive censorship and suppression of Early Treatment combination therapy including Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc and Doxycycline or Azithromycin, and Vit C, Vit D3 etc.

MSM and SM (Twitter, YouTube/Google, FB, Insta, LinkedIN) are all morally and criminally culpable and need to be tried in a court and sued for damages.

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I say another substack reader post this but will say it again here:

mainstream media has ceased to be the auditor of big gov't and public health,

instead they have become their enabler

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They won't investigate their puppeteer masters have forbidden it. The whole thing is a scam. Hope this doctor has life insurance..

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There's little doubt that, in the 'big scheme of things', this is disgraceful and way beyond that, arguably, criminally negligent. Withal, I find myself wondering how many are of the 'professionals' (term used loosely) who genuinely could make a real difference (e.g. by turning up to this conference) are any longer even aware of the harm-by-omission that they are engaged in contributing towards? Have they become so dulled that they no longer even in touch with the reality that they are risking lifelong damage to themselves, their families, their friends, their employees, their offspring? If so, this is the true definition of stupid: doing harm to others, whilst simultaneously to themselves… whilst thinking they are doing something reasonable. How many of them are talking themselves in to their negligence by reference to some higher authority, such as OFCOM, gov.uk, "Science", Sir Christopher Witless, "Fact checkers" etc. I wonder if they realise how far towards sub-human they are sliding?

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The Coercion from the MSM and Government to have this vaccine just sent alarm bells ringing for me. The way the Anti Vaxxers were treated, divide and conquer. I couldn't believe on a personal level the attitude towards me for not wanting this MRNA jab. What saddens me most is all the people l love and care about have had the vaccines,l know alot of people feel this. Thank heavens for those Brave People who stuck their heads above the parapet and on the right side of History.

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Was there a recording made of the livestream? I would like to watch and share the presentation. Thanks!

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Perhaps there needs to be a great amnesty. The crimes are so horrendous that perhaps the only way to allow people to be honest about their failings is to absolve all parties - criminal and negligent from responsibility.

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