Thank you for your kind email about my vaccines harm debate in the Chamber on Tuesday evening, this is an issue that I am extremely passionate about.

As I am sure you will appreciate I receive a great many emails from those who have suffered vaccine harm and the large majority are not constituents.

Simply put I would love to respond fully to each and every one of you but, regrettably, I don’t have the capacity to do so.

Please be assured though that I do read your emails and am touched by the often heart rendering stories they contain. They spur me on in my campaign for more transparency on this vitally important issue.

Once again, thank you for your kind words and support., may I take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very Happy Christmas.

Andrew Bridgen MP

North West Leicestershire

Andrew Bridgen recently took the trouble to reply to my message of thanks,even though I'm not a constituent.

One of the few with the honesty and courage to challenge this irrational censorship.

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Mindless political ideologues run most big tech, which has become a societal toxin.

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As long as it is supported by Democratic politicians and by liberal Hollywood players, censorship is a useful tool to stifle dissent

Andrew Breitbart

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The doctorsforpatients.com link & website is throwing up a URL:Phishing alert with Avast so is denying access.

Can get this checked here : https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=320185.0

Could be caused by a plug-in if it's a wordpress site.

the video is on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v22kvtk-stop-the-shots-doctors-for-patients-uk-122122.html

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