Those paying attention understand Youtube is run by manipulative, deceitful, intolerant political ideologues. Those who enjoy being kept in the dark by such prejudice should have no problem with that. The rest of us do our homework on alternative, uncensored sources.

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Dr.Macdonald: ''You're refusing the flu jab and the Covid booster Mr.Bolton? But you're in the at risk group age''

Me:''I want to die when I am ready, not when Big Pharma thinks I ought to shuffle off the mortal coil''


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Thankyou so much for all you've done Mark. It hasn't gone unnoticed. Nearly a million views so you can bet money it's been shared widely. Truth is like water - it flows and even the best engineered dams need pressure releases to prevent a flood. The pressure is building on theirs. Stay hopeful and prepare for the flood :)

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I shared it with many. I'm so incensed that this censoring is till going on. Sir Christopher Chope is an absolute gem and the rest of the pathetic MPs , should hang their heads in shame.

I will not forgive or forget the way we, who CHOSE not to put this substance into our bodies, have been treated. (I'm in Italy and believe me, it has been horrendous).

As for the latest bivalent jab , the one tested on EIGHT mice, well words fail.

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They can run, but They cant hide.

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I was surprised they let it up on there for so long getting a lot of views!

I've seen shows that were cut live, and they didn't think to censor this like that?

It boggles the mind.

Now it's going to appeal to more people now that they know it was censored... Lol

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Oh, well then FOR SURE I'll watch it. I probably wouldn't have otherwise (time constraints).

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