HAVE I GOT VIEWS FOR YOU: What next? Queues on dingy street corners?
Government target elderly by paying GPs to push fifth jab
COMMENT By Oliver May
THE Oxford English Dictionary meaning of the phrase ‘drug-pusher’ is: ‘A person who encourages people to take up illegal drugs and then supplies that need for a price’.
It is a shame the OED chose to include the word ‘illegal’ here because there is very little difference to a story which emerged this week that GPs will be incentivised to push ‘accelerated’ Covid boosters to care home residents – with payments of up to £525 per completed care home. GPs paid to push jabs
That is pushing drugs. Pushing drugs for money.
The people most elderly look to with unwavering trust to keep them healthy will be pushing drugs on them because the Government is paying GPs more money to do so.
It is worth remembering at this point that there are currently about 1000 excess deaths per week. We are no longer in a so-called ‘pandemic’. But deaths are on the rise. No one is talking about it. No one is asking questions about it. But your Government is paying doctors to push more Covid boosters on the elderly.
The hysteria around Covid is arguably a disease in itself.
A few personal anecdotes for you. I had the bad luck to need a GP appointment last week because my ears were blocked after my son and I went swimming and hit the water with force after reaching light speed hurtling down the flume on our shoulder blades.
Upon entry to my local GP surgery, the receptionist, still guarded by a desk-to-ceiling bullet-proof screen, asked if I had a mask with me.
I have a mask exemption but, when I said no, I was gleefully handed one. When called for my appointment, I left it on the chair unused and, when the nurse in the consulting room saw I wasn’t wearing one, she removed hers.
So why the drama?
At the weekend, I was admitted to hospital - yes I’ve been in the wars - with chronic stomach pain, a high temperature and elevated heart rate. I was pumped full of fluids, antibiotics and even morphine via a cannula.
One of the ‘specialists’, among his many questions, said: “Have you had all four Covid vaccines?”
I made the personal choice not to take any of these jabs.
“Is there any reason for that?” added the specialist.
Hold on. I’m lying here hooked up to God knows what and you are grilling me like some sort of FBI agent with a Guantanamo Bay prisoner on WHY a - in your words - ‘fit and healthy’ man has chosen not to take all four Covid jabs.
What went through my mind was sadly, or perhaps fortunately, not what came out of my mouth by way of reply.
Later that evening, once I was told I was being admitted, a jolly masked nurse skipped in while I was drifting in and out of pain-induced sleep to tell me ‘we just need to do a quick Covid swab’.
Suddenly very alert, I refused, saying I did not need a Covid test, I have no symptoms of Covid.
“We have to I’m afraid, it’s protocol,” said the nurse, her jolliness swiftly draining from her body.
She went away. Then another masked nurse came in, with less patience, explaining we have to test you to decide whether you go on a Covid ward or a non-Covid ward.
I explained how I would just leave. I would not be taking a test.
A third masked nurse came in. Patience nowhere to be seen at this point. Same result. Not taking a test.
The first masked nurse returned arguing about how I might be a risk to patients. I argued that there is no such thing as asymptomatic transmission. “Yes there is,” she replied. “We test everyone and some of those people with no symptoms tested positive.”
I had so little energy I could not explain the grossly high false-positive rate of PCR and LFT tests.
Then she told me: “This is just silly.”
And there, laid bare, was the crux of her argument. I was being silly.
I let her off lightly and told her: “That is your opinion.”
In the end, I was ‘allowed’ on the ward, but in a side room.
And on my discharge notes? Covid result: Negative.
Isn’t a shame those poor elderly patients with perhaps not so much resolve will be pressured into a fifth Covid jab. All because your Government is paying GPs to be drug pushers.
This is utterly unconscionable, and the idea so many GPs have completely forgotten (or perhaps never understood) basic medical ethics is terrifying. I wholeheartedly applaud your stand in the hospital, despite being so unwell (which makes the actions of the staff all the more despicable). Having to attend hospital is one thing I'm also concerned about (being a dreaded unvaccinated person), but if that happens I'll be taking the exact same approach.
I think these GPs and medical professionals need a swift kick in the head to remind them of their Hippocratic oath.