Trudeau seems like a vacuous Barbie doll to me. Nothing inside at all, other than the lines others have given him to speak.

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Thank you for your work! It doesn't feel like it sometimes, but you are being heard and shared.

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What can we DO?

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Turdeaus gotta go, he’s only interested in himself and trying to get a spot on world stage. Here’s a thought I’ve been having recently and it’s not that I like USA politics etc I’m born and raised BC boy of 66 years. With what Russia is doing in Ukraine I wonder if USA wanted to take over Canada , how many Canadians would welcome it and how many would fight it. This is not the Canada I remember!! That’s a clue what I’d do 🤔🇨🇦

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Good to see some decent journalism, along with True North and Rebel News. If Trudeau wants to divide Canadians, then it's time we did just that. My suggestion is to set up two independent provinces for all those to move to who want to live their lives free from Trudeau and any other wannabe Castro. Give us an air corridor so we can leave and come back at any time. Independent government, no CRT; no jab mandates; no CBDC; parents run the schools; freedom of religion; no censorship; doctors free to run their own practice; - in short, all the freedoms we are supposed to have under the Bill of Rights.

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