Genuine person here! Thank you for this. I felt deeply angry and upset by what happened to me. I lost everything my job, my marriage, my friends, even my elderly parents won't see me because I am unvaccinated. It is a real challenge to maintain compassion but it is ESSENTIAL for humanity as a whole but also for the individual. When I saw the film Safe and Effective I think I understood for the first time what brain washing people had been subjected to on the so called 'other side'. I cried so much for them and since then I have realised that I would rather be a compassionate person than an angry one. I work hard at this every day. Your article is vital to remind us all of this and it is appreciated, thank you.

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I feel the same AW. I lost my job, some friends . Some of my family have been different, let's say the relationship has changed. I'm the mad one, the tin foil hatter. But my immediate family (hubby/children/grancdchildren), all listened to me and didn't get the shot. (except for son no 2 who did it to travel). Here in Italy, as an over 50, I was vilified, banned from almost everywhere. But I was utterly 110% convinced that that liquid would never enter my body. I'm so sorry you lost so much. But you right, compassion is better than anger. When I saw the film I also cried a lot. It's hard not to. Also the film about Fauci (more anger than tears though). And I am now getting myself charged up to watch Died Suddenly - maybe this weekend.

Sending best wishes from across the Alps 🥰

ps. Just watched John Campbell's latest video - he apologizes and it's VERY interesting what he has to say.

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We have been through a lot haven't we, and where we are now and WHO we are now is vital. Our compassion to fellow humans is everything and it is hard work. I realise I lost so much because I raged at everyone! You cannot call your friends 'zombies' 'sheep' and 'idiots' for too long before you lose them! I understand now that I was in panic mode but still.... But you cannot make people see what you see and therefore, if we saw through all of this then we are in the front line of what comes next too. I would rather that we led with the gift of gracious humanity and not the world that has been created by the other side of human nature, selfish greed. We literally have to work from within ourselves to be 'the good guys'!!

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Can you provide the link to the apology please? It's hard keeping up with everything. Thank you.

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I know what you mean - I spend all day reading 😃

Here's the link ;


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Thank you

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Nov 25, 2022
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Thank you for lovely support! My ex husband was vax injured, not as severe as the film, but nerve damage in his arm and neck. I am now his carer as he is 18 years older than me, in his 70's. He has no other family or support.... what good would me saying 'I told you so' do? There is absolutely no satisfaction in seeing someone in pain. I don't know what happens next but I know that my life will never rebuild to what it was and therefore the best way forward is to see what I can be as a human being! I can't explain it better than that :)

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Nov 25, 2022
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Ha ha, it's nice to see myself through your eyes! I sound lovely :)

In truth, I fail a lot. But perhaps I fail a little less with each week that goes by. I think Marcus Aurelius said something along the lines of 'If we limit our thoughts on what is "good" and "bad" to our own actions, then we have no call to treat other people as enemies'. I've probably butchered that quote but that is what comes to my mind often.

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Prime Minister Trudeau is in the hot seat this morning in Ottawa, testifying under oath (with ear piece?) on the final day of the Public Inquiry into the first ever invocation of The Emergencies Act.

Formerly known as "The War Act".

The Rouleau Commission is tasked to determine, through these lengthy and costly legal proceedings, whether Trudeau's invocation of The Act was indeed lawful and necessary

Did the government invoke the Emergencies Act as the measure of "LAST resort", to quell a violent, dangerous public protest that threatened the country

Was the legal threshold met? Was the Act used in a manner in which it was not intended, ergo ILLEGALY: Such as any tyrant would use such drastic measures, as a political tool, to (violently) quash dissent against government overreach?

Yes, or no?

So far:

Members of CSIS, the RCMP and the Ottawa Police have all testified that the PEACEFUL trucker protest did NOT meet the strict legal requirements necessary to justify employing the "measure of last resort."

Trudeau and Crystia Freeland (Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister), TD Bank executives and a secret (unnamed) Trudeau cabinet (bunch of hand picked Yes Men) merely "felt" the jab mandates protest had to be stopped.

By whatever means necessary...

Without speaking to convoy leaders. Without seeking mediation. Without any sort of negotiation.

Without Senate approval, Trudeau invoked The Emergencies Act, sent in the jackboots and guns and clubs and tear gas and Officers on Horseback.

Fait Accompli!

The rest is history. (Written by the victors?)

Guess we'll see eh?

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

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Totally agree!!! I hate the irrational and hatred attitude of many of the unjabbed towards the jabbed who got injured due to them not having been properly informed; these stupid morons forget that not long ago they were also in the dark regarding many issues, and I guarantee you most of these idiots are totally clueless about many current agendas, how they work and what are their real goal... specially all those who are unable to discern that this world conspiracy is spiritual in nature... all they see and talk about is 'governments' or the 'WEF', when in reality these are only proxy useful idiots obeying a script given to them by characters well above their heads.

I really feel angry towards anyone rejoicing from other people's suffering, no matter the situation, no matter the side of the story, no matter if it's 'deserved' or not.

What's worse is seeing this diabolical behaviour coming from people calling themselves "christians2 - they clearly forget Jesus orders for us to FORGIVE!!!

Excellent article!!!

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I don’t engage in shadenfreude and strongly believe that it is only down to the Grace of G*d in innumerable ways that I began waking up with Brexit in 2016, and quickly woke from the Convid Psyop in April 2020.

It’s harder to forgive those that went ahead and were injured DESPITE repeatedly being shown the evidence of their dangers. So they could go on holiday.

I’m still sorry for them for having been injured but less so then those who believed the hype about protecting others. And easily forgive those who listened to their church leaders’ lies and thought it the Religious right thing to do.

I have mixed emotions for those who went ahead, knowing the dangers, hoping for a saline Jabby to protect their pensions. Thus letting their side down.

But what of the medical establishment that knowingly gave large quantities of Midazalam and morphine knowing it would kill their patients? Or signed off the DNARs without informing patients or families? Especially physically disabled people who are not wanted in the Great Reset future as are ‘useless eaters’ according to German T4/NHS-NICE frailty scoring systems.

As for the planners—- I pray the Lord intervenes soon to send them back to hell where they belong.

No forgiveness for our Malthusian Luciferian overlords.

(But you can still pray that they change their ways).

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Totally agree with you on abuse of injured and bereaved, they are victims. However, if you genuinely think Malhotra is the good guy and not reversing direction in order to build his own profile and appear as some sort of hero, then I'd suggest that you haven't been paying close enough attention to him. His story is all over the place. It's all out there if you care to look.

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There are a lot of 77th Brigade, which exists to ‘influence’. Ordinary people have a brother, a mother, a sister, a dear friend, a father, a grandfather etc who got the inoculum - once, twice etc.

It was a tactic in communist countries, now is a tactic in western countries to try to blame people who had been vaxed and injuried and make them to feel guilty.

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I only know one person who is jab injured. I don’t know her well. But I have seen her proclamations of being injured and of needing help. People have reached out to her sending links to organizations that can help like FLCCC, CHD but she has not accessed them. I am wondering if the change of personality from the first shot may be responsible for this.

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I'm seeing a lot of unexplained weight loss by those that took the shot. I am praying for all.

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Well said. I've wondering about the best approach to all of this. A general whitewash of "oh well, never mind" won't absolve the damage done by (1) those that knew better and (2) those that should have known better but took the easy road. Being 'calm and clever' in the face of abuse (and - perhaps - encouraging past mistakes to be openly admitted) is a good way to go about this. Just look at the overwhelmingly positive response to this apology: https://twitter.com/jamessmithPT_/status/1579944795837198337 (150k likes etc). Just think what impact such an apology would have from people who were involved in the whole farrago from the start. Of course, that would involve these people breaking their omerta of silence... but doing so might help avert future disasters.

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Nov 25, 2022
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In Canada, we don't call it retribution, or penalizing the government for harms done nor does our government expect "forgiveness" for irreparable harms done to its people, for instance, to our indigenous people.

We call this "Reconciliation" instead.

What does reconciliation mean?

"Reconciliation is the process of two people or groups in a conflict agreeing to make amends or come to a truce.

Reconciliation is also the name of a Catholic sacrament involving the confession of sin. Less commonly, reconciliation refers to when someone accepts an undesirable situation, or to the process of making things compatible.

Example: After years of conflict, the two parties have agreed to meet with the goal of reconciliation."

TRUTH and Reconciliation comes at a big price because so much was paid, in lives, sorrow, and pain.

So much was lost.

We have a National Day of REMEMBRANCE here:


Governments will need to recognise and to address, and obviously ADMIT to irreparable harms done to its citizens, before there can be any "reconciliation" regarding The Needle and the Damage Done.

First though? There must be TRUTH.

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