Every reasonably astute person, in the world, who was paying attention understood systemic election fraud was being perpetrated on the American people the minute vote counting stopped in swing states which were about to determine a presidential election, followed by in your face ballot box stuffing. There is no question about the fact of the fraud only the extent, structure and identities of perpetrators due to the fact that none of the institutions which should have stopped the crime made any effort to do so, in fact some aided and abetted. FWIW, I'm not a supporter of any US party and couldn't care less about your partisan politics but I find the naive narrative that US election are still credible appalling. The American people aren't going to be allowed to elect DeSantis or anyone else who respects their lives and liberty.

Americans better think carefully about the ultimate consequences of allowing criminal authoritarians to install themselves in the executive branch. You are either going to be subjugated and made subservient by a pack of self serving pathological narcissists or there is going to be a war eventually. Although by their nature peaceful many Americans clearly still value their freedom.

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Spot on. De Santis is truly the President America needs and Democratic strategists know it.

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Thanks, lots of truth of course in your article, although I prefer Robert Barnes' interpretations (on https://vivabarneslaw.locals.com/ esp via subscription $50/yr) as to how the Trump and USA Deep State and geopolitical situation with China is playing out. Robert Kennedy Jr and Marianne Williamson are very appealing presidential candidates too. And as Robert-Temple.com argues very compellingly in his 2022 book A New Science of Heaven, very little is actually reliable about how we see and perceive what we imagine to be realities. Consider for example, if e=mc2, and thoughts/information have no mass, surely that alone is evidence that modern 'logic' is tenuous to say the least :) The Plymouth UK physicist Mike McCulloch on Quantised Inertia is fascinating too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnNKC82wUmY

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