The answer to your opening question is of course never. And to expect anything else is futile. Just ignore everything they say and judge them always by their actions only.

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Per ml with the infertility threshhold around 39 million per ml. This may be a result of artificial female hormones or plastics in the food chain. However what is very concerning now is the increased numbers of abnormal sperm and the reduced motility this may be a result of the jab, further research is required as a matter of urgency or the human race is facing population replacement problems

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The normal range for sperm counts has been dropping over the last 50 years. The death jab has made the situation worse. When I started doing sperm counts in med labs many years ago the higher level was around 220-320million per ml and below 80 million was verging on a fertility problem , now the official highest figuure is 200 million

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