Please know that the “covid19” “vaccines” are not defective in any way.

They are INTENTIONALLY harmful.

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What does an MP know anyway? Most are as thick as two short planks. I'm waiting for the day that the Canadian government is sued. You think Westminister is bad? Ottawa is much much worse. A death cult has taken hold in Canada. If the jabs havent killed you already the doctors will see to it with what is really a eugenics program called MAID.

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I think the way MPs have acted is criminal, negligent, cruel & callous. Why, because they knew what was going on and went ahead against mounting medical evidence of deaths & injuries due to the Covid vaccines. They laughed, ridiculed Andrew, ignored him & the BBC continue the lie by displaying the MSM & gov propaganda while he spoke in the commons! That was at best ignorant, it was BBCs own disinformation plus held up the lie.

What makes them criminal? All the above but more than that because they continue to do this which mean’s every day more people die & are injured.

The fear consequences & so they should 👈🏻

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Now that an avalanche of evidence is confirming the ConVid jabs are deadly, these death Jab pushing Mp's should be instantly sacked, the system played them & probably paid them to be killer jab pushers & now they've been exposed, they're only frightened for themselves - I don't recall anyone aside from Bridgen coming out against this mass murder.

Why are these barracudas being allowed to play pretend representatives of any anyone - they clearly only represent themselves, even when ppl that voted them in are being murdered

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Thank you for posting this.

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I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so.

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Very welcome news.

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