Dearest Clare & Jasmine. I highly appreciate and respect your current discussion. However, you are both rather late to the party. There is no need to rewind to the swine flu or to the first world war. no need for Naomi Wolf, Texas lawyers et al to pursue FOIA requests. In November/December 2020 while "first responders" (US) were, in front of the "roll out", receiving the dose, Pfizer's website listed many pages of potential side effects of their new, experimental "vaccine." ( I followed this period closely as it unfolded)There were HUNDREDS of negative effects listed for all to see. There were disclaimers galore on Pfizer/FDA/CDC websites simultaneously and in full view which reiterated that this mRna vax may DO NOTHING to prevent the spread or the acquisition of the COV2. They were VERY CLEAR about this.( in a blue banner across the center of the screen) Of course their statements about the benefits exceeding the risks FOLLOWED the disclaimer, making their liability ZERO. That "public health officials" focused solely on the benefits exceeding the risks is a record of their complicity in a larger conspiracy.

Informed consent is the overarching area of concern for residents of earth. That obedience to "authorities" supersedes ones own trust in ones instincts and judgement is an expression of the ultimate concession to tyranny. That MDs were mute when it came to risk/benefit analysis and informing of patients speaks volumes regarding the priorities of modern medicine i.e. country club memberships, off-shore accounts and vacations in exchange for prescriptions.( see DOJ.GOV for successful pharma prosecutions involving bribes and kickbacks with NO REPERCUSSIONS FOR THE DOCTORS)

I never bought any of the fraud from 12/2019 onward and never even considered a vax for a non-existent threat. I was informed without the necessity of being so. A cover-up? No. Huge swathes of humanity were being distracted by the magicians on the media stage. Most being so consumed by fear and the necessity of gathering shekels for subsistence they never "made time" to do any homework.

In light of my own time stamped evidence, vaccine injuries should be NO SURPRISE. Pfizer et al told us as much! As usual, and unfortunately, ignorance has taken its price.


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Thanks John. All good points. We would counter, however, that rather than being late to the party, we are merely highlighting the Covid Vaccine Inquiry and Hope Accord, both new initiatives. The discussion is simply a backdrop to those two main points.

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Thanks. Countering the media onslaught will have to be front and center the next time around. Thank you so much for your dedication and online presence. Your fine work needs to be thoroughly disseminated. I've made every effort to put forth what I can to the people I know ( since 4/2020 when the evidence for deception was piled high) with mostly negative results. Conformity bias and cognitive dissonance seem the main obstacles to some kind of realization of the magnitude of the deception.

One might think that with Germany's recent forced admission, the state of Kansas' lawsuit of Pfizer, the stats on excess deaths (etc. etc. etc.) that majorities would know by now what has been perpetrated on the world and be on the lookout. I think attention spans have dwindled so severely, that many have, oddly, bizarrely, lost interest!!!

Positively, I think ( educated ) Gen Z is ONTO the overall political, military and now medical hegemony ( the assault on bodily integrity)and judging from the student protests, are having none of it. The institutional backlash is very chilling ( as intended)

Unfortunately, here in the states, ROTC is present only in the poor, undereducated, underemployed district schools so, there will be plenty of cannon fodder for all fronts in future. ( there were national guard troops vaccinating our local residents literally under cover of darkness here in New Hampshire in 2021!!!)

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