I’ve been warning for 2.5 years or more that the aims of the fake pandemic was to get needles into every arm, the injected products being intentionally toxic.

As the most senior former big pharma research executive speaking out, while anyone rejects my conclusions out of hand, without even asking “Why do you say that?”, I don’t know.

Dr Mike Yeadon

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We can only keep trying to tell people and hope for an unplanned event that causes a chain reaction of awakening. I keep telling my other half to watch the Matrix but don't take it literally. A fake world to enable farming of humans. That is what has been happening but now they are taking too much and some of us have noticed.

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Contact Mark Steele "SMART METERS are getting removed faster than they can convince people to put them in. Women are noticing their hair thinning and falling out due to the increase in microwave radiation pollution. Door to door leaflet handouts, for removal info@saveusnow.org.uk or ring 07568750243, cc. yourself into e mail to reduce the man in middle attacks". From https://www.saveusnow.org.uk/newsletter-in-the-day-of-our-lord-march-2023/

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It has always been legal to turn off the power when you dont pay the bill. And there are other objections to smart meters such as reactions to EMF and loss of privacy due to poor security.

This clause about cutting power due to not following recommended usage patterns is a new and horrifying one. There are many good reasons people might not be following the normal usage pattern, such as shift work, being ill, doing renovations, or baking a lot of cookies for church one month. The only negative consequence to that should be a slight rise in the bill.

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I try telling people what is happening and they shuffle away embarrassed. I offer to send them evidence, they decline. A few get angry. Now I look for small opportunities to drip feed truths. People are waking up but it's not fast enough to reverse the situation without huge damage. Who would we elect? Even if a new, freedom party achieved election, how would that work with the entirety of the security forces, media and civil service working against them?

As long as people believe the TV, prefer Eastenders to News and look up to dim celebrities we are doomed. They simple can't conceive of that the trap that is closing could happen in the UK. In a way it's racism. They think British people and therefore our institutions are fundamentally different to North Koreans, Chinese, Russians, Germans etc

But ... must keep trying. Unexpected events can trigger things.

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None of this can be reasonably deemed ‘constitutional’! It’s quite clearly an undemocratic infringement of our Common Law rights. We need to get rid of every single one of these useless, paid for & fully bought, politicians.

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I know how my MP voted. He doesn't seem capable of questioning anything important. :-(

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The vast majority do nothing of significance to help people.

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We knew this was coming but.... still depressing to see how fast.

Meanwhile at the BBC.... the essential reporting headline....

"Plane turns around mid-flight after passenger has diarrhoea".

"We've had a passenger who's had diarrhoea all the way through the airplane, we are heading back..."

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We need to resist this tyranny.

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If you need help modifying this to your specific situation let me know.

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Sep 8, 2023
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If they are going to say that heat pumps need to be turned off at night they will use more electricity. They save most if run constsntly. It's just an excuse to lock us all up.

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Sep 7, 2023
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100% agree.

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They're being manipulated.

It's the long march of the institutions. Over time people who can be manipulated have been put in place. Probably carrot and stick. We can make you rich or get that incident with a minor published. Others are just utterly selfish without scruples and will do anything to climb the greasy pole. Ultimately, they will be cast aside because once liberal democracy is destroyed a different set of characters will be required.

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