Recall parliament and ARREST all in both chambers bar Mr Bridgen.

They’re all guilty of high treason, aiding and abetting mass murder and numerous other crimes.

None can claim ignorance by now. They were warned by Craig, Engler and Yeadon in autumn 2020, long before any evil concoction illegally gained authorization that they were engaged in the greatest crimes against humanity ever. No doubt they’ve all received many written communications from constituents as well. Even the most stupid of them (& there are many) knows by now what they’re parties to. The permanent ending of pseudo democracy in U.K.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by News Uncut

Yes , bring on Nuremberg 2. I filmed you too in May but somehow the file was corrupted, Mmm , just like Westminster Lol . Glad to see your still baring up Mike

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by News Uncut

This abomination must stop now and I take my hat off to Andrew who's speech I filmed on Trafalgar Square in May. I posted it on Facebook just after , no problem then but when I posted it on my Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JmvDoZZEPTWYvsBCXiLFw ) about three weeks ago it was taken down and I was given a strike, a perfect example of censorship by omission. I did a lot of filming there to in 2020 . David and Gareth Icke were taken down after approaching 50,000 hits and others too , Pierce Corbyn is still there and Sandi Adams . I thought Sandi was the best speech and she is still on the pulse too. Thank you Mr Bridgen for stepping up to the plate and here's hoping more of your colleagues will realign their moral compasses. We need an alternative government instead of what we have at the moment. Left and right both being wings of the same corporate bird. Thank you again,



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Rishi’s actions in halting the death jab rollout reeks of someone desperate to cover up their crimes.

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