Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023

Be chary of reassurances that the feared resignation of sovereignty won’t go through. Our mendacious rulers developed a tactic during covid for soothing consternation about any feared plan they had - Everyone, relax!: lockdown is just for a few weeks. Vaccine passports? Never. Mandatory jabbing? Not a chance. Jab children and babies? You think we’re depraved?

The tactic is simply to lie, saying you have no such intention, thereby taking the steam out of your opponents, and a little later simply do the thing you promised you wouldn’t do, knowing the steam won’t be got up again.

As a device for psychological management, it appears to work. Each of the outrages later went through with a mere fraction of the expectable furore. The residual public feeling was that, since we had had an earlier debate, the other side prevailed sort of legitimately. This tactic is a psy-op.

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The fact that this treaty, would give total power to Tedros, is absolutely terrifying. I am having sleepless nights over this. People really need to wake up soon, because if we don't, the future is going to be very very bleak. I am so worried for my children and grandchildren. SO many people are still unaware of how much sway Billy Boy Gates has over the WHO and his total obsession with vaccinations. I think I read that he funds 70% of WHO. This needs to be redressed. ☹☹☹

(and to think : Tedros ex Ethiopian terrorist and Gates a University drop out with a penchant for eugenics 🤬)

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Wow, this is worse than I thought!

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No man/woman can give our sovereignty away to a foreign power as that would be (Treason) even a referendum would be Illegal. We can only lose it by defeat in war....

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It takes a Commons vote with a majority of 1 to abrogate such a treaty anyway.

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