One thing further to add, I find it amusing the amount of misinformed "pro-vaxx" individuals who scoff at the notion of COVID-19 jabs "altering DNA" it's probably worth reminding them there is a peer reviewed published paper that shows the mRNA jabs can be reverse transcribed permanently into DNA into cell lines in the liver, so once again the conspiracy theorists warning about this very occurrence were correct...

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Rock-solid response. I'm so dismayed by mainstream media continuing and continuing non-stop to promote the false narratives that are IN TURN promoted by their handlers.

WE KNOW that the truth isn't right, left, or centre; but that we're facing issues as a human population. THEY just continue, blind.

THREE YEARS into this, and I just spoke to a woman I was friends with many years ago (geography separated us) and who still follows mainstream media. We were friends and believed that the other was an intelligent, thinking woman. Today, because she still follows mainstream media, she thinks I'm a conspiracy nutjob. I don't think she's dumb; but I DO think she's mainstream-media indoctrinated.

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I have lost a friendship of over 50 years for a similar reason. She reads The Guardian and watches the BBC and dismissed any information I sent her which, due to the strict censorship that has been in place over the "pandemic", was often on platforms other than YouTube etc and therefore were conspiracy theories (eg she Googled "Bitchute" and came back at me with the definition she found "proving" it was a platform for conspiracy theories!) She has no idea... I had thought she was an intelligent, thinking woman too!

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Great response from Mark Sharman....keep up the good work as we need journalists and those in the media to speak on behalf of people like me, who believe in critical thinking, integrity and a search for truth wherever it leads. Thanks Mark Sharman, you have my respect 🙏 in a world which looks increasingly corrupted.

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Excellent response. Keep steady and stay strong.

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I sit and weep daily, hearing numerous reports of possible vaccine injury & vaccine related deaths in family and friends. And the booster season ramps up again, and although nearly everyone I know has had COVID they blindly go for their next jab - WHY ? - it makes no sense. When will they wake up ? On a personal note - Thank you Mark Sharman & Oracle Films - Thank you Sir Christopher Chope & the other brave MP's who spoke out. You will never know how much good you do to those that already 'see'.

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I agree wholeheartedly with you. I just cannot fathom where people's brains have gone. Maybe the jab has messed with their head ? I don't know - I just know I feel like screaming. I a couple in their car this morning , both masked 😭 I just shake my head. (bear in mind I live in Italy - Hypochondriac Capital of the World ).

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I am also wondering whether these "interventions" have done something to people's brains. Critical thinking has all but disappeared.

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Fantastic letter and excellent work. Thank you!

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Well done Mark, an excellent letter.

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Was Just Published in Minerva, A Springer Journal in Social Studies of Science. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11024-022-09479-4#ref-CR38

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Yes, the media hacks who are complicit in crimes against humanity will all pay eventually. Karma is inescapable.

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Nov 2, 2022
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Personally I hope he chokes on a kangaroo's testicle 😡

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