Probably 2.5-3 million people in Germany required medical treatment because of vaccination side effects last year. Meanwhile, the German government asserts that COVID-19 vaccine side effects are very rare.

Data Show ‘Significant Underreporting’ of Vaccine Side Effects: German Health Insurer


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VAERS has been flooded with more than a million reports of various health problems and more than 21,000 death reports since the introduction of the vaccines in late 2020.

Numerous Health Problems More Likely Due to COVID-19 Vaccines Than Coincidence: VAERS Data Analysis https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/numerous-health-problems-more-likely-due-to-covid-19-vaccines-than-coincidence-vaers-data-analysis_4380017.html?utm_source=appan2029090

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What are the injuries? Where is the data?

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You can check the Pfizer clinical trial data released by court order. The info is supposed to be made public but they wanted it sealed for 75 years. We are getting 500 pages per month. Especially interesting is the nine pages no spaces list of other AE of concern.


This is a re-release where the judge ordered redacted details unblinded.. my favorite page 6 where Pfizer is hiring an additional 1,200 people to have 1,800 total to record adverse events from clinical trial. Sounds safe, eh?



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