News Uncut was started by a small team of journalists who each have worked within the mainstream media for more than 25 years.

The year 2020 changed everything. Not in the way you might think. As journalists, we started to see through the very industry we would have defended to the hilt prior to that date.

Clear censorship and bias shook us to the core. Why wasn’t anyone doing anything?

So we did.

It might well be a long road to grow News Uncut to where we want it to be. But we are here. And we are trying.

It is our aim to report the stories the mainstream media will not. It is our aim to call them out and hold them to account where we can.

Some of our content is free to read. In order to grow stronger, some of it is paid-for. We have set our monthly subscription at the lowest amount this Substack will allow; £3.50 per month. That works out at about 10 pence per day.

The more of you who take out a paid subscription, the more we can pay a wide range of journalists to provide us with the stories you are looking for. And the more we can hold to account those people who need holding to account.

This is News Uncut: Straight Talks. Hard Truths.

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The Uncensored side of the story


Straight Talk, Hard Truths