Corporate media is now little more than politicized trash worthy of nothing but our disdain.

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Yes it’s hotting up, but time and time again….NOTHING HAPPENS…MSM totally censored,

Well done Aseem, for hijacking the Statin issue, another Pharma cash cow ,ruining the brains and muscles of many people my age.I have high cholesterol and was delighted to find out several years ago ,that I will live longer than an old person with very low cholesterol,Thanks Dr Zoe Harcombe.👏🏻

I am in UK, IMHO, The Gov is totally run by WEF acolytes,, even Boris and Liz were ,but allegedly they did not jump high enough when the string were pulled. Who amongst us would not love the perks of an ex prime minister ( for 1.5 months service) paid for by us,the tax payers.

It really is up to every one of us to work every day to wake up our blue pilled friends, in every psychological way possible…if they are still talking to you 😁

Thank you for this informative article 😁❤️

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Given up on mainstream media , even more warped and censored than in the D Notice era. Good for Bridgen

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Warning - the Trusted news initiative will suppress all info that describes the WEF as a group of rich powerful mostly white men who collude together for their Authoritarian Technofascist global world order.

BBC and MSM describe it as a friendly, semi-private meetings and discussions under Chatham House rules (never to be repeated or discussed openly outside of these walls).

Never mind that WEF has described the theme of Davos 2023 as ‘cooperation in a fractured world’ (roughly recalled).

This newspeak translated means:

Collusion of fascistic combination of Private interests and Governments to subsume all national interests (nations) into One World Every Thing. Starting with Health and Health passports interoperability (one global system).

BBC translation: working towards everyone having the same policies to Climate change and Covid (CCC=666= 6uild 6ack 6etter) Both are Great Delusions.

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

Dr. Aseem Malhotra was on Neil Oliver's Show on GBNews tonight 6pm uk time. Brilliant interview!

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

Thank you Mark 😁 for putting a spotlight on this. blatant take down of a politician ,on trumped up charges.Here it is in plain sight. 🤯 As I understand it,Andrew actually said "a leading cardiologist has said …" this is why IMO,it is hard to find his quote, because he didn’t actually say what they say he said, even if he had, it is not an anti semitic sentence… I would appreciate other Substackers views.

Thank you for the other examples, one other is The Canadian Medical board’s proposed stripping of Jordan Petersons Psychiatrists.license,unless he takes a re-education course…..🤬

He has 6 million followers on You Tube and is a huge influence, speaking out about Trudeau Woke ideas,and other Totalitarian Gov's.

This is a truth war and the UK is not winning it, your wonderful film ,which I have personally promoted in my town, in the street, adding it to leaflet info about the Gov proposed on line bill.Every person I spoke to said they wanted to watch it.They were very suspicious of the whole Covid lockdowns.

If Politicians,Top psychologists, Doctors and Scientists can be shut up now, imagine how easily each one of us can be removed with the “domestic Terrorist " label…😳

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Warning - the Trusted news initiative will suppress all info that describes the WEF as a group of rich powerful mostly white men who collude together for their Authoritarian Technofascist global world order.

BBC and MSM describe it as a friendly, semi-private meetings and discussions under Chatham House rules (never to be repeated or discussed openly outside of these walls).

Never mind that WEF has described the theme of Davos 2023 as ‘cooperation in a fractured world’ (roughly recalled).

This newspeak translated means:

Collusion of fascistic combination of Private interests and Governments to subsume all national interests (nations) into One World Every Thing. Starting with Health and Health passports interoperability (one global system).

BBC translation: working towards everyone having the same policies to Climate change and Covid (CCC=666= 6uild 6ack 6etter) Both are Great Delusions.

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